bathroom remodeling contractors

How to Search for the Best Bathroom Remodeling Contractors in Your Area

Finding a good bathroom remodeling contractor can be an ambitious task to handle. The reality is that before the remodeling starts, the majority of the work is in your hands. This means scouting for what needs to be renovated, setting up a priority list, accumulating a decent budget, and lastly, finding and quoting contractors. It’s even more challenging to handle if your bathroom is undergoing an emergency like drainage or piping problems.

But there is a bright side to all this gloom, having a serene and fully-functioning modernized bathroom can reduce your stress and add value to your home. However, this can only be possible through the help of hiring some of the best bathroom remodeling companies.

 Luckily, we have a guide to how you can properly approach this matter and ensure that your home is dealt with professionally.

Here’s how to search for the best bathroom remodeling contractors in your area.

Figure out the problem in the bathroom

The first step in bathroom remodeling is figuring out what the problem is. Once you have this covered, you are able to choose the right contractor who specializes in said problem. Here’s a list of the most popular bathroom complaints that require renovation.

Ventilation Problem:

 This can cause unwanted odors to stay in the area, some which may manifest into toxicity if not treated properly.

Odor / Smell:

Unwanted odor can be due to a number of factors that include the cleaning products you are using, growing mold, chemical compounds, drainage issues, etc. Odors can manifest to the point where professional help may be required.

Poor lighting: 

Weak and broken lighting fixtures can make the bathroom dull and even make it appear old and unkempt. Update lighting fixtures to maintain a bright look.

Drainage problems:

This includes slow draining ability, clogs, noises, and even filthy odor. Simple drainage issues can be handled with draining solutions, however, if the problem appears to be more serious, a plumber might be best to consult. 

Plumbing issues: 

Whether your toilet isn’t functioning properly, pipes are clogged, or your sink has burst, plumbing is the powerhouse of the bathroom so it must be handled immediately.

Broken tiles replacement: 

Broken tiles can make your bathroom appear out of date and even worse, dirt can accumulate in the revealed grout and make your bathroom unclean. There are many options for tile replacement, choose one that is best for you.

Cleaning of bathroom: 

If every fixture and pipe is up-to-date, the bathroom might just need a professional cleaning service to freshen up the look.

Stagnant water: 

Stagnant water needs to be tackled immediately upon notice. This is because mold and mildew thrive in stagnant water. You don’t want fungus growing in your bathroom!

Make the Priority list

Once you’ve figured out what needs to be resolved and redone in your bathroom, make a priority list. This entirely depends upon you but, note that things that need immediate treatment such as plumbing and drainage concerns should be tackled first and foremost. This is because they can create large problems if neglected over time. Additionally, this is also because, depending on how large the issue is, it’s certain say your sink or tiling might be torn up to get into the deeper ends of the pipes. Don’t leave the functionality of your bathroom for last.

As a consequence, your aesthetics come next. The priority of the beautification of your bathroom can depend on factors such as budgeting or simply, your unique preference. If lighting is the primary issue, then it should come first. If your tiles are broken, leave more time and effort for them. It’s up to you! But, choose wisely.

Set your Budget

Budgeting is a prudent way to accommodate all your needs. The majority of your budget should be dedicated to the most damaging and pressing issue on hand. Functionality should be taken care of by top-notch professionals–this also means that it may cost you a pretty penny. But it’s all worth it in the end because you pay for what you’re getting when it comes to renovation. Using cheaper fixtures and appliances may result in continuous damage. The silver lining is that contractors do provide insurance in case of damage, covering up to $1,000,000 per incident. So you can keep your peace of mind that something may go wrong.

Secondly, budgeting costs also depend on the project. Remember that you have to pay a down payment fee, the material costs, and the project rate. A tip is to consider delays when coming down to a final payment. This can save you money in the end!

Search for the suitable contractors

 Now that you have finally figured out the scope of your project (identifying what needs work, prioritizing issues, and accommodating the budget), you can begin the search for suitable contractors. Here are some tips to get you started:

Search for the contractor on the business listing sites: 

Sites like CityLocal101 or Yelp are helpful when it comes to finding contractors because they not only offer client advice and ratings but also, they list the best remodeling contractors near you!

 Look for their previous experience, reviews, and relationship with customers:

 Searching for previous experiences and reviews by real customers can aid you in finding out the relationship the contractor maintains with clients. These accounts show instances the contractor may or may not have been up to par with the standards you are hoping to hire.

 Check if they were licensed or not: 

Licensing is important because it shows good business and professionality. You want to hire someone who is recruited by the state. To check, simply ask the contractor to indicate their license number and then proceed to search it on your state’s licensing board site to confirm.

 Check if they lie under the budget you just set:

 As previously mentioned, finding a good contractor who is affordable might be difficult but it is certainly plausible. Discuss quotes with the company beforehand so you can get a breakdown of costs.

 Make a list of suitable contractors: 

Once you have inquired about business listing sites, reviewed customer accounts, checked for licensing and budgeting, now it’s time to make another list! Ugh, we know! But trust us, it helps to narrow everything down.

 Choose the best-fit contractor for the service: 

Now that the list is made, narrow it down! Choose three that fit your needs and discuss in depth the details of your project to select the perfect candidate.